The best city to own a supercar in India, you ask, short answer is - no city and all cities. The experience of owning a supercar in India is one filled with joy, pain, anguish and pleasure all in one outing. There's a certain boost in self confidence one gets with acceleration, braking and handling. Even in the small lanes and Brownian motion of vehicles, having a superior machine gives you better capability, that cannot be argued. What can be argued is that general public will usually hate you for it. This can come in many forms - "Rich Spoilt Brat!" is usually one such expression for those feeling bad that you're going faster than them in traffic, and we don't blame them for it, it deserves hating. But we get to places faster and that's just one part of it.
Breaking the norm is what we want to do, and establish all supercar owners aren't "Rich Spoilt Brats". In fact from my personal experience, most supercar owners are either philanthropists or animal lovers or environmentally conscious individuals or humanitarians or a mix of them all. So why do they get labelled with such negativity? Is it jealousy? Can it be because there's usually a huge struggle behind a success story and there's a reason only a few make it there. Do they naturally end up standing out?
Now keeping aside this very serious direction, time to splash some fun in here. Let's now give you some advice, based on the city you live in, the roads and issues you'll deal with to help you make up your mind - If considering which Supercar to buy based on the city you live in.
City you live in - and the road conditions you deal with
India is such a diversified country and each state and city is definitive of your supercar journey. We might not be able to cover all of them but well try and knock a few key ones - of course these are all for fun because you live in the city and already know the road conditions - we just thought we'd join you in some bantering:
- If you live in Delhi - Why haven't you bought a supercar yet? Roads are bloody fantastic.
- If you live in Mumbai - Don't buy a supercar please! The corrosion from the moisture alone is something that should be a legal offence. (we know you will anyways).
- If you live in Bangalore - Buy a supercar that comes with the special Bangalore Road Assistance Package - Its basically a Flat Bed Tow Truck.
- If you live in Hyderabad - You're about to commit a crime very soon (by just owning the car), so before that catches up with you, make sure you've done the ORR at least once - what a road you have Hyderabad!
- If you live in Kochi - Then we're sure the wheel upgrades are already on the way and you will spend most of your day nurturing your baby detailing her and adding modifications - and loving every single minute of it - go on! you deserve it.
- If you live in Kolkata - Nor can the shitty roads or the substandard road tax policy bring you down. Get ready for the friendship and undiscriminated love of all other car owners that's about to shower down upon you from the wonderful and open group of supercar owners in the city.
- If you live in Ahmedabad - then please buy the Chutney Protection Seat Package for your new supercar because your snack runs are about to get pretty fast and spanky.
- If you live in Chandigarh - Then we are jealous of you because you live in heaven with wide straight organised roads, a tough traffic regime and a wonderful landscape that screams as loud as your cars can go.
- If you live in Goa - then you're not going to be driving your car because you had too much for lunch everyday and don't really care about the car anymore because your working on your new novel.
Point here is, I'm sure you've realised - that YOLO, don't waste time thinking about the city, the roads, the problems, the pains - If you're a true petrolhead and deserving of a supercar - you and your supercar will accomplish anything - Just put you mind and fuel into it!
Author - Aditya Arora - CEO - Boit Club
A supercar owner for 10 years and a driver in India for nearly 30 years, Fatman as we affectionately call him, learnt driving at a young age of 9 and has owned some special cars through his years. With a strong hold of the supercar market, dynamics and a vast network, Aditya founded Boit Club in 2017- the one place for everything supercars - made easy, transparent and financially sensible. Follow him on twitter here..